Thursday, November 27, 2014


again, sorry for the delay. I know the blog hasn't been very active, but I've never seen a blog that updates much more than once a week. Anyways, here's what happened since my last post.

I've finished my list of comets by type on wikipedia -

I also started another project to find transneptunian objects from SDSS data - so far I've found images of 10, two of which I found from before they were discovered, 2004 XR190 and 2011 GM27.

I recently found what should be precovery observations of the asteroid 2014 UM33, however it only has an observation arc of 2 days, and is currently magnitude ~20. If there's anyone who can observe it in the next few days, for me to get an observation from 2009-01-17, that would be quite helpful. The asteroid probably needs a 2-meter telescope or larger, or at least a telescope that can see to mag=20.

more updates in the next few months!

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