Sunday, February 16, 2014

02-16-2014 astronomy anniversaries and new asteroids

2014 CJ14
Discoverer: Pan-STARRS 1- Haleakala observatory
Semimajor axis: 1.454-1.469 AU
Perihelion: 1.143-1.149 AU
Aphelion: 1.768-1.786 AU
Eccentricity: 0.214-0.218
Inclination: 10.957-11.189 degrees
Period: 1.757-1.783 Years
Absolute magnitude: 21.04
Diameter: ~200 meters

Today's Astronomy anniversaries:

            Coming up later today:
Why isn't Pluto a planet any more? An introduction to discovery of the Kuiper belt and Pluto's demotion!

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